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Disability and Specific Educational Support Needs

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The objective of the UC3M Program of Attention to Students with Disabilities and Specific Educational Support Needs is to guarantee access to studies and the development of university activity for all students under equal conditions, building an inclusive university.

  • Physical, psychic and/or sensory disability.
  • Autism spectrum disorder.
  • Psychological disorders that limit or prevent normal academic performance.
  • Specific learning difficulties: difficulty in writing, written expression, mathematical difficulties and others.
  • Attention deficit disorder, with or without hyperactivity.
  • Serious chronic or long-term illness that limits academic performance.

Enrolment deadlines

  • Undergraduate students: when registering and, in any case, before 26 July.
  • Exchange programme students:
  • First term and full academic year: until 15 July.
  • Second term: until 15 December.

*In case of unforeseen events and duly justified unforeseen situations, registration can be done at any time.

"we want a world for all people" #DeseosSAPDU #DeseosCRUE